Pond Snails


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
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Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
My boyfriend has some in his tank; we were just wondering how big they get? (we know about the breeding; we were just wondering how big they get).

Also; he seems to have one which is clear/white (I guess albino); the snail is still small but there are more snails smaller than it which have colour; this one is albino. It is fairly pretty. I'll get pics when it gets bigger :).
My boyfriend has some in his tank; we were just wondering how big they get? (we know about the breeding; we were just wondering how big they get).

Also; he seems to have one which is clear/white (I guess albino); the snail is still small but there are more snails smaller than it which have colour; this one is albino. It is fairly pretty. I'll get pics when it gets bigger :).

if their ramshorn snails then theyll probably max out at about an inch, their fine in aquariums and do a great job at cleaning algae! some fish do eat them though, weather loaches ive seen going for them and also ive seen small koi's trying to get their mouth inside the shells!

at work we have ramshorns in tanks with golf fish and shubunkins and they get along fine though

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