Pond Snails


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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How do you keep pond snails someone said just put them in a jar and they breed, I put some in a jar but what do I feed them and is it ok to change the water or will this kill the eggs even put some in my tanks put they are nowhere to be seen , have a feeling my betta ate them. I need help as my puffer needs snails. Thanks Pat
just put afew into a small glass/plastic tank, throw a few plants in and thats about it (water of course). you will need to change the wate as thse guys can get messy.
just put afew into a small glass/plastic tank, throw a few plants in and thats about it (water of course). you will need to change the wate as thse guys can get messy.
Ok thanks I have a 1gal tank with a filter used to have my betta in it now hes in a 20 so I recieved some more snails and put them in there with a plant hopefully this will keep the waste down a little.
don't use the filter, and the plant will make no difference. best off just siphoning the waste out with airline. i would recommend a few floating plants such as hornwort for the eggs.

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