pond plants

I don't fit the category, but I've read books that have lists of plants and their temps. Go to the library if you want lots of choices.
Just read your other thread ,at the deepest level in ours .its about 4ft we have lillies and irises.You can see the irises on my signature,the lillies arent at the deepest level on it,I think they are about a ft down .
why go to the library when theres perfectly good people to recommend plants,books will give cultural info etc but tend to overstate or understate size but theres no substitute for first hand experience :nod:
Some of my favourites are; :) :)

N.pygmea 'Alba'

N.pygmea 'Helvola'

There are others like N.laydekeri 'Fulgens' which is a nice red/pink and ofcourse there are more.........These can grow from anywhere between 10-35". Normal Lilies can grow from up to 48" deep but be sure to give them time to reach the surface before the Koi get to go at them. :)

Next I would consider some Marginals and Floating plant species, some of my favourites are: Marginals normally sit between 4-12" depending if they are a bog plant or reed like marginal that requires more depth. :)

Caltha palustris 'Marsh Marigold'

Or and Iris species like:
Iris pseudacorus

Iris versicolor

Floating plants:
Pistia stratiotes 'Water Lettuce'

Eichhornia crassipes 'Water Hyacinth'

Then the all important oxygenators like;
Lagarosiphon major
'Water Hyacinth' and water lettuce arnt these a bit invasive for use in a small pond :dunno:

Helvola ? is that the dwarf variety,im only going to have a surface area of 9x5

already got the oxiginating plants :nod:
bribones said:
'Water Hyacinth' and water lettuce arnt these a bit invasive for use in a small pond :dunno:

Helvola ? is that the dwarf variety,im only going to have a surface area of 9x5

already got the oxiginating plants :nod:
'Helvola' is a pygmy, yes. Water Lettuce is a rapid A-sexual plant that can cover a pond if un-checked, Water Hyancinths are slower but can do the same. But they are very easy to maintan and you just need to clip the runners of every two-three weeks. They provide a good change and cover for the fish, and don't take up room with baskets etc.
bribones said:
ive heard that crocosmia will do well when planted in water but as there bulbs im not sure anyone tried these ?
Never heard of putting those in a pond.You protect the bulbs in winter so in a frozen pond i'd think they would die.I can't see it myself. :blink:
Here are a list of my favourites i think you should have.....

opps there are none :D

sorry couldn't help it....plants are evil.
Paul you have to have plants in a ond,makes it look nice and colourful.

Your feet are infecting your brain :p

Ryan likes your feet really :thumbs:
I presume this is the plant you are talking of?

Crocosmia has had a bad reputation, it spreads like crazy if un-checked and is sometimes called a weed! Crocosmias are members of the iris family and have swollen underground corms that increase freely to form sheaves of sword-shaped leaves. Colours range from bright canary yellows through the oranges to intense red. Now this is a water loving plant and can't go long with out water although it is not often consider a marginal it may well do fine in such a situation, so why not try.
bribones said:
Paul you have to have plants in a ond,

whats a ond :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: omg this gets better and better feet and typos :rofl:

re crocusmia i think theres a type for marginal planting need to do a search :look:
Do you want to start a fight??

I'll come on drown you in that pond if you carry on being cheeky :p
Ryan likes your feet really
Oh do I, still haven't looked and I don't intend to. :p

Go jump in your ond and have a swim Cat! :p ;)

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