Pond fish with ulcers


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2004
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Im beginning to get a little bit "peeved" .
Last year,all but one of my goldfish developed ulcers/sores and despite all the available treatments,alas,they had to be humanly destroyed :/
This year ive been so carefull with the new additions to the pond.
Ive made sure they have all been healthy before i bought them.
As a precaution,ive added "anti bacteria"."anti parasite"."pond doctor".
All the plants ive added have been washed thorougly in a solution af discinfectant.
I rinse the filters about once every 10 days in pond water,and only feed about once every 2 days.
But once again.....i have 3 fish with what appears to be ulcers on them.
What can i be doing wrong?
Unfortunatly,i have no other tank to re-house and treat these infected fish but i was wondering if i could give them a spell of about one hour in a bucket containing some sort of medication.(maybe do this a couple of times till the infection clears)
Im really at a loss as to why my fish keep getting infected like this.
Any help much appreciated
what a bummer all this must be for you.
firstly have you tested the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph?how often and how much are you doing water changes?
is your filter giving a really good turnover and how often and how are you cleaning it out.
can you get a pic of one of the infected fish or describe the sore a bit better? do you notice if the fish cloud over before the area goes or is the wound ragged and red? have you noticed if theres a blister that pops or does the skin look eaten away?
hi black angel.
I test the water once a week and it seems to be pretty much perfect.
The pond holds approx.950 gallons and i only really top it up when the level drops,or i do a "backwash of filter"or due to evaporation,maybe about 10 gallons once a week?
The wounds do seem to be a little ragged and red (no blisters) and they seem to be getting slightly bigger as time goes by.(will try to get some pics tomorrow).
I have a selection of ordinary goldfish...5 bright orange koi....4 ghost koi....5 butterfly koi....and the one surviving shubumpkin from last year.
Its 2 of the goldfish and 1 orange koi that have the sores/ulcers.
hi George&Ade it sounds rather like skin flukes to me but i could be wrong ,the symtoms seem about right

Skin flukes can cause large lesions, red inflamed patches and cloudiness of the skin. In early stages, little sign may be present, but the fish may have folded fins and may swim restlessly and scrape themselves on objects

heres the link for the full write up


and another


might be worth taking a swab and getting it tested ,good luck
NT labs make a product called Wound Seal,
you may wish to find that and try it.

as a preventative, are you running a UV?
if not maybe it is time to invest in one.

HTH and good luck.
sounds like a bacteria caused by aeromonas. you will need to get some bacterial meds from a vet and you can use melafix to help the ulcers heal.
i honestly think your pond water isnt as clean as you think it is. testing it cant find bacteria and that is only kept low with regular water changes.
i suggest you start doing 30% every 4 days to try and lower the bacteria count in the water. :)

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