Pond Filter Systems


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2003
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Hi guys,

I'm looking to build a custom DIY filteration system for my outdoor pond. I've tried all the commerical ones, and none seem to really work on the promisse of crystal clean (non-green) water.

Anyone have any examples of what system they are using for their pond?
Any pictures of your current layout would be nice, guides would be great.
I used a 45litre plastic rubbish bin. It was full of different grades of sponge, (course thru to fine) and had a layer of dacron (filter wool) on top. I had a hole drilled in the side near the bottom and a pvc pipe coming from this and back into the pond. I had some egg crate (sitting on 1inch blocks to raise it up) on the bottom inside the bin and the filter materials sat on that.
The water was pumped up to the top of the bin and flowed thru the dacron and sponges. Then it went out the pipe in the side.
Each week I would hose the Dacron clean and every few months I would wash one of the pieces of foam.
We lived in Texas and had no shade for our pond, so you can imagine the algae. We also overstocked it with dirty plecos and giant catfish. We tried all kinds of sizes and brands of filters but ended up having to empty and clean the stupid thing at least once a week.
We finally went to this pond store and purchased a UV or ultra light filter system. The water passes through the rays and kills the algae. Then the dead algae gets stuck on the sponge that you can reuse. We LOVED it and our water was seriously CRYSTAL CLEAR for years with no problems. http://www.pondmarket.com/uvc_lights.htm (a little info)
on our goldfish pond we had the same problem. so i bought a bioforce i think its called (will check later). am very pleased with it. we bought one that was 2x the rated size for the pond. we tried all sorts of other box filters.

i konw it doesnt answer your question properly. the pond is around 900 gallons. it has about 200+ goldfish (they wont stop breeding!) the filter has a built in uv.

uv does not kill the algea in any way.

The algae absorbs the UV light and damages the dna structure and makes it clump together which allows it to be trapped in a mechanical filter.

you should also change the tube every 6 months. i change mine 1st January and 1st July

oh im also making a diy filter at the moment but its for ponds around 2000 gallon and has cost about £170 sp far let me know if you want the instructions.


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