Fish Fanatic
I have a natural pond which is about 250 litres in volume. At the moment it has two lemon goldfish, five small golden orfe and one small ghost carp. I have a water lilly in which has been in the pond for about three weeks and it has four leaves that come out if the water, two bunches of elodea and one water hyacinth. The sides of the pond get covered in what look like hair algea, and if i scrub it of one day, it will have grown back the next day. Is there anyway to get rid of this algea? I have a floating straw bundle in there at the moment and I am going to try and get a small pump which will act as a small water fountain to get some water movement, will this do anything to help the water clarity? I have heard that the hyacinths do a good job of clearing the water but the day after I put the hyacinth in it had a massive chunk missing from the bottom of it and i thought this might have been the ghost carp so I suspended it in some of that staw looking stuff you use to pot aquatic plants in and the carp couldn't get to the bottom of it, but somehow some of the top of the hyacinth has been eaten. Now I am not expert but I am pretty sure that the ghost carp couldn't have eaten the top of the hyacinth. The only other things I have around the pond are some common frogs and the general bird lifwe such as magpies, crows, robins and blackbirds. I have not had any sucess with water hyacinths in the past and I don't know why. Can anyone help me with these issues please?