Pomacea Bridgesii Breeding


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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I was wondering if there is anything special I need to do to encourage breeding of my mystery snails? I have 2 adults now, my other female died yesterday and I have gotten one clutch. I left it for 4 weeks and they never hatched so I assume it was not viable. I know the two i have left are male and female so no worries there.

Here are the questions:
Is there anything special you feed them and have been successful with as far as breeding?
At what age and size will they breed?
Do you need a lot of space for them to crawl out of the tank or will they simply climb up onto the hood if the water line is too high?
My first clutch way layed on the glass, I removed it and placed it on some plastic canvas in a net breeder. Does anyone have better way to hatch them that aren't so big? I am only working with 10 gallon tanks and a net breeder is way too big.
For some reason mine will not eat fresh veggies, they will not touch romaine, cucumber nor zucchini. They do like algae wafers and shrimp pellets and veggies that have been boiled or canned like green beans and such. Is this normal or am I making the whole diet too complicated?

Thank you for all your help in advance. I apologize for my first post being such a long question but I really want to breed them. I have 5 small light purple striped ones and 2 dark purple stripes that are less than an inch still so now is the time to get it right.

One other thing, is MgSO4 a needed element for them? Mine don't seem to like it at all. I add calcium and crushed coral to the tank now to keep the GH and pH where it needs to be. My GH is always about 12 and my pH is always above 7.4
I can help you with the hatching container..

I got a small rubbermaid container with a lid. Poked a few small holes in the lid. Put enough water in the container so it would float. Put a piece of styrafoam in the container (it should float) Then put the clutch on top of the styrafoam. If there isn't a lot of condensation in the container, spray the clutch with water lightly everyday.

I don't really know about conditioning them.. Mine havent layed eggs in quite awhile :crazy:

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