Polyterus Senegalus


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

As some of you know I was looking at getting a Senegalus a few weeks ago, but when I rang the LFS they didn't have any, although they had delhezi and ornatipinnis.

So I reserved a Delhezi...

I went to the LFS to pick it up along with a few other bits n peices.

I got there and they only had Ornates left :(

and I didn't really want one of those, so I took the small senegalus that was left (about 4" long).

any ways, to the point of this post.

I have read all over the net about feeding, and all it says it what to feed them, do you feed them daily? or just every now and then.

They were fed frozen blood worm in the LFS, but I don't have anywhere to store them, but it is eating freeze dried blood worm.

any information on feeding would be great,

Live foods : guppies , rosey red minnows, ghost shrimp, earthworms
frozen: bloodworms, mysis shrimp,brine shrimp , krill, squid and frozen silversides
a good quality pellet, lean meaty foods such as beefheart are good too
but you need to balance their diet for nutrition so vary the diet, not just one
thing.How much to feed them ? Feed them until their belly bows slightly.
and skipping a meal will not hurt them once they are
past 7-8 inches remember in the wild food is not
always available.A nice round bichir is a happy bichir -Anne
ok, thanks for that, I don't think I'll feed it feeder fish. but as for frozen sea food I can get that so I'll go for that.
Sengalus - £12.99 (4")
Orantes - £24.99 (6")
Delhezi - £24.99 (6")

Where do you live? I live in North Wales (not far from Chester), BUT the not-so-LFS that I go to is the other side of Wrexham, its called morton garden centre, its the best one I've found in my area.

They stock alorts, snakeheads, puffers, loads of plecs and catfish, amongst many other things.

They have cold, pond , tropical and marine fish, even shark eggs, Trutles, Terripins, Tortoise, snakes, lizards, spiders, and SO much hardware its great. If there is a fish you want they will try and get it for you as well.

As when I went they didn't have amy delhezi as they had all died, as we all know they are tempremental (BUT their stock is usually of high quailty) they were going to order some delhezi for me to chose from :D all the staff are well trainned and have passed or are studying for the qualifactions.

Its wortyh a trip I talk the GF into driving me there all the time, its great, even just to go and look around.

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