Polypterus Senegalus?


Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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Ok, So I am going to get a tank around 35-40L (Small I know) - Hopefully one of the Arc Tanks.

I went in the fish shop today and saw a polypterus senegalus for £6.95. And I fell in love with them. :blush:

But I know they get fairly big.

I love the look how they kind of look like snakes. Im just wondering if there is any fish that are like the snake/eel kind that are able to keep in a 35-40l

I would only keep them in there (a species tank) and only want 1 or 2.

Pleaseeee tell me theres somthing. :hyper:
mate think tanks abit small, maybe for a while this
but needs atleast 30g's for life....

senegal birchir's get bigger mine is around 8-9inche's and very active,

channa again need atleast 20g for a single or 40g for a group<what is the size of this tank length and width?????
Not sure of width etc. yet as Im not getting it til july.

If they all need rehoming i will leave it :shout:

I dont want to stress them out or anything.
all i can think of is khuli loach's. The only thing remotely snake like that could live in that size tank. You could mabe keep some shrimp with them? Not sure though?
Erm there is them dragon loach's and crimson loach's similar to the khuli but nicer, rarer and there for more expensive!
I do think that all the members of the spiny eel family would get too large for the tank. Khuli loach's look quite cool in groups, quite active, reasonably hardy and cheap! Would look quite good with mabe cherry shrimps just not entirely sure about compatibility so you would have to check, but im sure they would be fine!

Ooooh nelly I like these!!

How much are they, you have any idea?

- Could I keep a pair of them? :drool: :drool:

I like the crimsons aswell. whats the price difference.

you think i could have 1 of each?
im thinking 2 cooli loachs and 2 krimson loachs :drool: :drool:

what kind of tank do they like?

lots of caves?
lots of plants?
i heard they like them tube things?

Give me information Dave & Nelly :drool:
Personally i would say a sand substrate as they like to burrow and rock's / bogwood and planted if possible or plastic, floating plant's and low lighting :good:
What also i would do is have leave's scattered around the tank floor, i do this in my tank's but i just use some of the plastic plant's, my channa pulchra like to hide under these, as do the channa ornatipinnis fry, as the cooli are bottom dweller's would be ideal, oh yes i use old spray bar's and tube's which i burry under the substrate held down under rocks which my halfbanded spiny eel uses for retreats,
They are very nice fish that are underestimated imo, probably because they are quite common. Yeah id go for about 4 khulis as they like groups but im not sure they would group with different species. They like small caves, plants etc. Leave a clear patch at the front of the tank and they will come wriggling out at feeding time. They are easy to feed, flake, tiny pellets and will really appreciate frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp and live food! Crimson loachs are not too often seen. Had them in bas a few months ago at about 12.95
Each. You would be best getting the khulis and just waiting to see if you come across any crimsons at a later date. Pretty much have the same needs. Both i think will prefer sand. Just cover floor in sand, pile up some small smooth rocks from the back to about half way to the front with a few bushy plants dotted around! Will be cheap and very effective and the khulis would love it!

Omg there are monsters. :hyper:

Oh dear, I think im going to end up turning to an oddball man. and just keepingthem. :drool:

I bet these would cost abit!
oh yes oddball's are the way forward, i much prefer people's reaction to them, eww that's discusting :blink:
:lol: much better than the usual oh hes nice very pretty, for example my parachanna obscura<pics in photo section, friends say wooh looks like a snake but its a fish very odd :hey: :hey:
I have been researching the Khuli Loaches and learnt they are very shy and nocturnal. :(

so im just debating now wether to get them as i wouldnt really see them? :rolleyes:

is there any oddball fish you can recommend for a tank this size?

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