Polypterus Delhazi


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2004
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I am going to buy one but I have a tank with 1.5 - 2 inches Clown Loaches. I am afraid the Clowns will be fish food if the Polypterus is 3 - 4 inches. Can you please tell me if it will be Ok. I also want to know any other info on them as well.
I wouldnt advise it, the polypterus will try to eat the clown loaches which could result in the death of both fish, clown loaches like all botia species have spikes around the eye sockets which they raise when threatened which could become lodged in the bichirs throat. Even if this doesnt happen bichirs (polypterus species) have phenominal growth rates and within a month or two it will be able to eat the much slower growing clown loaches easily.
That is my problem. I also have a 4 inch Black Ghost Knifefish and when the Clown Loach are growing up so is he. What I am afraid of is the Polypterus will come and the Clown Loach will be safe but the Polypterus will get eaten by the Black Ghost Knife. Any idea what I could do?
a 4" black ghost wouldn't be able to eat a 2" polypterus.

ste :)
The problem is I have to grow the Clown Loach which will take a while during this time the BGK will be growing. When I get a 4 inch Polypterus the BGK might be a foot long. I don't know
even at a foot long, it is unlikly that it will try to eat the polypterus. you may be better getting another tank for the loach and having the knife and polypterus in one tank. I have a 13" BKK which is with a baby 3" pike characin.

ste :)
As long as the BGK won't eat the Polypterus I don't mind. I was afraid that it might. THe only other tank the Clown Loach could go in is a 15 Gallon which is full. The Clown Loach also have to stay inthe tank because they need to go in the tank eventually and they need a hiding place. It would be cruel to move them now because when they go back the tank will have no hiding places and the Clown Loach would get bullied.

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