I would like to enchance the bio-filtation capacity of my filter. So I decided to add some floss or foam in my filter's extra space.
But PetSmart & PetCo sell flosses and foams for a creazy price, like $5 for a small bag.
So I went to the craft section in the Walmart and found some soft and thin floss pads. They are made of polyester and only 20 cents each. So I bought one, cut it into the size of my filter.
The flow is good and is not interfered at all.
Do you think it's a good idea to put a polyester floss pad in the filter to grow filter media? Does polyester release anything that damages the water or kills bacterias
Thanks a ton.
I would like to enchance the bio-filtation capacity of my filter. So I decided to add some floss or foam in my filter's extra space.
But PetSmart & PetCo sell flosses and foams for a creazy price, like $5 for a small bag.
So I went to the craft section in the Walmart and found some soft and thin floss pads. They are made of polyester and only 20 cents each. So I bought one, cut it into the size of my filter.
The flow is good and is not interfered at all.
Do you think it's a good idea to put a polyester floss pad in the filter to grow filter media? Does polyester release anything that damages the water or kills bacterias
Thanks a ton.