Hi there
I've had my trio of polkadots for almost 2 years. When I got them they were really diddy... barely an inch long. They are all now about 2 inches long. I understand that they reach almost 4 inches when fully grown, does anybody have any idea how long it takes? Mine seem to have been 2 inches for ages now! I'm not worried, just curious to know about other people's experiences with these little loaches. They really are lovely. They spend a lot of time during the day resting in the roots of my java fern that's attached to a large piece of wood. Either that or they're darting amongst the plants at the bottom of the tank, sifting the sand.
I've had my trio of polkadots for almost 2 years. When I got them they were really diddy... barely an inch long. They are all now about 2 inches long. I understand that they reach almost 4 inches when fully grown, does anybody have any idea how long it takes? Mine seem to have been 2 inches for ages now! I'm not worried, just curious to know about other people's experiences with these little loaches. They really are lovely. They spend a lot of time during the day resting in the roots of my java fern that's attached to a large piece of wood. Either that or they're darting amongst the plants at the bottom of the tank, sifting the sand.