Polishing Glass


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Jun 26, 2008
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ok well i have a large long aquarium that seems to be pitted due to the mineral deposits that were on it when i got it, it was way limed up and everything i tryed numerous things to clean it lime away, apple cider vinigar, brasso, even the works toilet bowl cleaner to remove it but the white speckled film still remained.

so i ordered an 8 oz. jar of CERIUM OXIDE determining that these deposits needed to be buffed out/off the glass

the reason i am posing is i need a good tutorial for how to use the powder and all i was thinking about just using a spray bottle ans simply spreading the dry CERIUM OXIDE on the stained area (wich happens to be only around the tops edges) than spray it down w/ water and go to town but im not shure if this approach would be effective any one ever do this before or have a good link on how to do this?

there wont be fish in the tank i plan on making it a hermit crab terrarium
Cerium Oxide or Jewellers Rouge can be used to clean minor scratches in glass, it will not remove deep gorges. For your predicament use your finger in a fine lint free cloth and dip it some water then dip it in the Rouge and gently rub the glass in a circular motion.
BigC (Glasscutter)

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