since poisoning my cherries and tigers a few months ago before i fed my shrimp tank plants again i emailed several suppliers of plant food and the only reply i had back saying it was definately safe with shrimp was from tetra
JBL said their local rep will be phoning me soon but i havent heard from him yet and that was 4 weeks ago lol
So the only food i use is tetra plantamin and have had no problems ever since using it and my plants are growning fine - too well lol
When i poisoned mine the only thing that saved them was putting them in baby nets in my other tank while i did 100% water change in shrimp tank , i still lost all my tigers but did manage to save a lot of cherrys and amanos doing this
after the water change i left it 12 hours and did a 50% change just to make sure all was gone then left it a few hours before returning the shrimp and had no more problems (luckily)
I had no problems with plants purchased from ebay as i always soak all my plants before hand as you have done
JUST had to do 100% water changes on 2 fish tanks due to water in tap poisoning fishies
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for your question
TetraPlant PlantaMin is most certainly not toxic to freshwater shrimp. As a plant fertiliser, this feature would be a massive disadvantage to the product as many planted aquaria contain shrimps as part of the algae control crew. Obviously the product is completely fish & filter bacteria safe too.
I hope this has been of help
Yours Sincerely and Happy Fishkeeping!
Dave Hulse B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc.
Tetra club Help Desk