You should start growing their food before you get the frogs. Then you will have a good supply and won't be running around trying to get food for them. They will eat most things that fit in their mouth including various small insects like flies, mozzies, aphids, beetles, etc and small earthworms.
They like a warm humid environment and are sometimes found in Bromeliads. Various plants can be kept with them and many people use ferns, living air plants (which I can't think of their name now, Telandsia maybe), and various marsh plants that get sold in petshops for the fish tank. You can also grow stuff like Hygrophillas, swordplants and crypts in their tank. These plants will grow out of water and most flower readily when grown emersed.
Have a tank with lots of land, wood & plants, and a small plastic container of dechlorinated water for them to splash about in.