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Fish Addict
May 31, 2009
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do the mods actually read through peoples pm's?
if not how come some peoples pm's are blocked for recruiting members! how do they know this? yous must be reading them.

are yous?
I'm not sure how many times we really need to be answering this question...but 'no' we cannot read members personal messages.

To quote Tolak our forum admin.

IP Board does not provide in their software any method for Moderators or Administrators to read personal messages. They do not condone this practice, nor do the Moderators or Administrators of this forum. IP Board will not support any add on's that provide for this sort of access.

As Bignose stated concerning fascism, if this ever were to be done here I'd be spending a lot more time on other aspects of life, as I would not be here.

From the IPS forum, per IPS management;

bfarber said:
As a company, we don't really believe such functionality should be built into the product.

if not how come some peoples pm's are blocked for recruiting members! how do they know this?

The people concerned in the matter know why their PM's have been disabled. If 'they' have any more concerns on this matter, 'they' can email Tolak, and express 'their' concerns. If you have any other questions please contact one of the mods via PM and we can discuss the matter.
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