Plywood Tank...?


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
This might be a stupid question, but how does a DIY Plywood tank work? How does the water stay in? Is it lined with glass or something? I've just seen this concept about the web, but can't seem ti find pics good enough to tell how it's made.

John or jon (sp) is currently working on a 1400 gallon multi leveled plywood fish tank.

Should be just a few posts under yours here in the DIY section he has TWENTY FIVE 2 - 5 minute long videos that will answer every question you could ever have about a plywood tank.


I watched all 25 in about an hour, some i watched twice. As you get to his last videos you will see the clear downside to having a plywood tank, the pieces moving. and the amount of labor that goes into pond armoring a plywood tank!

It is WELL worth your time to watch his videos, the camera work is good hes detailed and to the point and a good guy to listen to. Have at it.

-Chairman Wood
yea i was going to post that first build the frame then you have to coat it with pond armor...if you build one make sure you do a journal like John has been doing lol

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