Plural Cory?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Just out of curiousity - I've seen cory spelt many different ways when plural. Cories, Corys and Cory's.
Does anyone know which is gramatically correct?
cories; when pluralising an English word that ends in Y the Y is replaced by an IE
as in one fairy two fairies
cories; when pluralising an English word that ends in Y the Y is replaced by an IE
as in one fairy two fairies
Ok, Thanks.
I wasn't quiet sure, I'd seen many different spellings.. so... yeah..
In some circumstances that rule doesn't necessarily apply.

Since, in this case, cory is a shortened version of the word corydoras, adding a "s" is just fine. IMHO, it looks better too. :D
now you're just being pedantic :p
Now, if we are looking at this as a Latinised Greek word, the correct plural ending would be corydorae. However, should we prefer to view it as original Greek, then corydorades should be the preferred form. Bet I can beat either of you in the pedantry stakes! :p
In some circumstances that rule doesn't necessarily apply.

Since, in this case, cory is a shortened version of the word corydoras, adding a "s" is just fine. IMHO, it looks better too. :D

I never looked at that way. I have always spelled it "cories" I agree that Corys does kinda look better. Too bad I dont know what pedantic means :lol:

EDIT: Actually "Cory's" isnt plural. Thats a possessive noun. For Example: The Cory's Food. Glad I could help :rofl:

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