Plexperts, Need Advice. Plec Fight.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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Ok Plexperts, what would cause my commons to suddenly start scrapping? They have lived together in harmony for two years, we got them December 2005, but this morning, two of them were having some sort of plec-war involving pushing against each other with their heads and a few fins. Didn't look very friendly, but they weren't actually hooking it up yet.

Can something have changed that is affecting their behaviour? I would have imagined that they were mature adults a lot earlier then this, so it's probably not because the younger became a teenager and started getting stroppy.

They are in our 6ft (about 100gallons?), they both usually have places they call their own. They usually just pretty much lay about on the bottom under bits of wood until they detect I am going to feed them, then everyone comes out and zooms round. This incident occurred on neutral ground, up the side of the tank, on the back, sort of suckered to the glass.

We believe that Malcolm is actually a female, and that Nessie is a male - bad luck guys, you just looked like cool fish when you were little, so you didn't get gender appropriate names, but oh well. Malcolm is the larger of the two, but they are both over a foot each. Malcolm is 10 and Nessie is maybe 3 (we didn't have Nessie from a baby, and we don't have any history).

Do you think they probably usually have a bit of argy-bargy that we don't notice or has something changed for them and this is what we're seeing? I haven't changed anything in the tank for months - maybe a year - except the water, and the last water change was a week ago, but this is a regular thing that doesn't usually upset them.

I know they say commons sometimes fight but ours usually don't, and they have been together a long time. I am concerned that something is up and they are reacting to it. Do you think they are just being plecs? Any suggestions welcomed.
Interesting one, i was surprised to hear how big they both are, does seem strange that they would start suddenly.

One suggestion could be to move the decor around, but this could have the opposite affect ie they would have to restablish there own territories, therefore leading to more squabbles.

I would leave it for now, just keep an eye on them, Loris in general have issues with fish the same size and species, is the main cause for fights that i have seen, fingers crossed it was just time of the month ;)
^^ what mike said...

Now it could also be something else....

We've all seen male / female sparing when the male wants something but the female isn't in the mood :D :D

Normally "commons" wont breed in an aquarium... I have however seen pics on here (somewhere - I've not been able to find them) that disproves this - someone's female laying eggs... (it went wrong and it unfortunately died)

Do you have a cave or tunnel big enough in there for them if they were to be thinking about breeding??
Interesting...just a cave to reverse into, like a chunk of stone pipe? or do they need to be able to turn round in it? on this scale, that's a pretty big turning circle, I may not be able to do that, I suppose I could cave one end of the tank....a tube type hideout would be easy enough. I thought they only bred in mud tunnels, I would be interested to see stuff about them breeding in tank. I'll have a hunt and see what their tunnels look like in the wild.

I'm not crazy about the idea of a bunch of baby commons, I'd have to rehome them, but I'd like to see if they did manage to lay eggs, that would be neat.
Interesting...just a cave to reverse into, like a chunk of stone pipe? or do they need to be able to turn round in it? on this scale, that's a pretty big turning circle, I may not be able to do that, I suppose I could cave one end of the tank....a tube type hideout would be easy enough. I thought they only bred in mud tunnels, I would be interested to see stuff about them breeding in tank. I'll have a hunt and see what their tunnels look like in the wild.

I'm not crazy about the idea of a bunch of baby commons, I'd have to rehome them, but I'd like to see if they did manage to lay eggs, that would be neat.

I'd share your concerns but would be good to be able to say - "not ture - I've done it" :D

The cave would need to be about the length of the male (maybe a little longer) with the height and width a bit bigger than the body width and height - so that the male can jam himself in the opening to get the female to spawn.

I'm sure you'd be able to find something in a garden centre or builders yard (eg jewsons etc)
According to your signature, Malcolm is a Sailfin and Nessie is a Common. I'm no expert, but that might be conspecific behavior, i.e. they've finally figured out that they are the same species. SOme fish will tolerate alot, but they won't tolerate being in the same place with another fish that might steal their food source.
good spot darkwolf, didn't even see that font!

would make breeding even less likely.
Oops, your right, it does say that.

Malcolm was sold to us as a sailfin, when we were new to plecing ,but we suspected he was a common - I have compared notes with Smithrc (and shared pics) on this one in the past and Malc's a common too. I didn't realise it was in my sig like that still - I have updated it now.

It also said "2 teeny snowballs" well they havent been teeny for at least a year - goodness knows how big they are cos we so rarely see them! but I think they must be four inches each now.

I remember to change my kids age every year but that's about it :lol:
Ok...that changes things. LOL :D I'm glad it's not inter-species aggression. I've never seen that, but it has been described as a real battle.

Since they are male and female of the same bet would be spawning behavior.

If they don't have a place to might want to add a few. ;)
Ok...that changes things. LOL :D I'm glad it's not inter-species aggression. I've never seen that, but it has been described as a real battle.

Since they are male and female of the same bet would be spawning behavior.

If they don't have a place to might want to add a few. ;)

a few :) - for 12" + commons :)

one will probably be a squeeze :D
Yeah, it's going to be pretty much "there's your house, get on with it".

I shall have a hunt tomorrow and see what I can find that will do, also move the wood and things around. Fun though, haven't done anything big in the tank for a long time, it was all working just fine up till now, so I haven't fiddled with them in ages.

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