Plexi-Glass Or Acrylic Aquariums?


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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I am trying to decide if I want to make an acrylic or plexi-glass aquarium. I cannot find a supplier of either type and was wondering if anyone knew of one. I am going to decide on a type by which is cheapest and lighter in weight. Also, which thickness should I use for a rectanguler 100 gallon tank? I am planning on putting some larger fish in it like cichilds, discus, or oscars in it. Would a homemade wood stand hold it?

ummm if it's going on a solid floor like a basement or if your house doesn't have one or if you live in an apartment, use cinderblocks and make covers for them. Thats what my lfs did with their 200g and oh my god its good looking.
rarefish said:
I am trying to decide if I want to make an acrylic or plexi-glass aquarium. I cannot find a supplier of either type and was wondering if anyone knew of one. I am going to decide on a type by which is cheapest and lighter in weight. Also, which thickness should I use for a rectanguler 100 gallon tank? I am planning on putting some larger fish in it like cichilds, discus, or oscars in it. Would a homemade wood stand hold it?

Plexi glass is acrylic. Which ever raw material is cheaper go with that. Make sure you use an acrylic glue to bond them.
Acrylic also scratches very easily, perhaps you should take that into consideration as well. :)
If i were you i would make it out of plywood if you don't want that then glass plexi glass and acrylic is very expensive and so is the glue for it. With glass you can just use aquarium silicone and it wont stratch either. MY THOUGHTS !

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