Plettucetomus ?


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
Ok, I have a plec. I've read that she'll need to eat more than algae, which she does. She eats the flakes and some bloodworm that get to the bottom of the tank. I also read that plec eat lettuce :hyper: (is this true??). I've put some in the tank next to her in an ornement but she is more scared of the lettuce than me! Which is a good thing I guess :look: Anyway, she knocks it from her hiding place and it ends up at the top and being nibbled to bits, then eaten by the tiger barbs.
How do I keep the stupid thing on the bottom??
Also, will this make her eat the plants because I put a piece in my cold water tank and my goldfish ate it, next morning...only the stalkes were left of my plants!! :crazy:
you can buy a peg, which is attached to a sucker, which will keep the leaf on the bottom, Plec also need the fibres from bogwood to aid their digestion, if you can't add bog wood, try plec tablets that are designed for plecs and ancistrus. NOT algae wafers, they are different.
I put squash in with my plecs and they all freaked out at the sight of it.....we were discussing this on another thread. So insipired by my failure, I tried again last night.

Everyone ate it. Maybe they just didn't like the fact it was new? they are funny about change....

I also boiled the squash this time, that might have had something to do with it, maybe harm the lettuce somewhat before putting it in to make it more attractive to eat?

The down side of this is my tanks are all now filled with long strings of bright orange poo -_-
HAHA! that made me laugh!
I think I might just try squash, is that American for an Orange? Sorry, just I live in England lol -_-

No, a squash is a squash, they are the same family as pumpkins. ASDA stock them, well the massive one near me does anyway.

/me is from the UK

The vegitable translations are hard some times :D
I feed my commons & bristlenose plecs zuccini. Try pumpkin for some colorful "plecorations".

Get a large stainless steel screw from the hardware store to stick into veggies. Weighs them down, doesn't rust.

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