
In general, yes. Unless very aggressive, most bettas leave bottom dwellers alone. Keep an eye on any betta when adding any new roomie, though. We all know how notoriously inconsistant their little temperments are.
Yes it should be ok, I keep some of mine with bristlenoses and an L134 but as Soritan says, watch their temprements :D
As has been said, it should be ok. But keep a close eye for the first couple of days! Most of the bettas i've had have been fine with plecs and corys and stuff but i had one who i put in with a BN plec and he bullied the poor thing terribly!!!
B/n's usually do fine with bettas, but be sure you meet the needs of the plec as well as the betta. They have to have a cave to make their own den, and they need bogwood or driftwood to live. They rasp on the wood and get nutrients from it they have to have. I have two in my female betta tank and they get along great.

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