Plecs with Gold fish?


New Member
Nov 4, 2003
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M 10 gal gold fish tank ( 2 shubunkins, 1 fancy fan tail) is almost cycled ( I think). I would like to add a plec or some other bottom feeder/algae eater, but I don't want the common plec or other species that get so large. Is there one of the smaller guys that could fair well in in unheated tank? I keep my home between 70/72 degrees so the ambient temp of the water stays there also.
Now I am planning on a 30 gal tank later for these guys. But that is later. I have been told that the smaller species like the clown need a tropical tank. Is there a species that stays 6 inches or under that would work in my unheated tank?
Thanks in advance
I did add a rubbernose plec to my tropical tank. He seems to be doing well. I placed a piece of zucchini in the tank, which he seems to enjoy munching on between algae searches. I also add an occasional piece of algae tablet for him. Cute guy when you can find him..

I do plan on a larger tank for my goldfish. I will not add anymore fish to that habitat until I do. I plan on a 30 gal or larger for them at which time the size will give me more options on what pleco I can put with them.
Well i dont belive my plaec will get much larger you can stunt their grow but tank size and food ive been feeding mine a bunch i got it at 2.5 inches and now its 3 but its got room to grow im moving again to a bigger place in the near future and i can get a 55 gallon and a 110 gallon tank with assecoriies for free due to the reasent death of billy the big mouth bass he was awsome but i dont think you would have to worry about a common plec getting to bigjust let it get most of the algea and then feed it algrea tab things like 1 every 2 days for a month or so and he shouldnt get to big
I have seen some people with ponds full of plecos and goldfish. goods combo - i was going to reccommend a site too but pondfreak has already mentioned it.

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