M 10 gal gold fish tank ( 2 shubunkins, 1 fancy fan tail) is almost cycled ( I think). I would like to add a plec or some other bottom feeder/algae eater, but I don't want the common plec or other species that get so large. Is there one of the smaller guys that could fair well in in unheated tank? I keep my home between 70/72 degrees so the ambient temp of the water stays there also.
Now I am planning on a 30 gal tank later for these guys. But that is later. I have been told that the smaller species like the clown need a tropical tank. Is there a species that stays 6 inches or under that would work in my unheated tank?
Thanks in advance
Now I am planning on a 30 gal tank later for these guys. But that is later. I have been told that the smaller species like the clown need a tropical tank. Is there a species that stays 6 inches or under that would work in my unheated tank?
Thanks in advance