Plecs Out Of Water.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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I was reading on another board that someone said their plec puts it's head above the water line and feeds like that, someone else said that was rubbish and they don't do that.

Both of my big ones do this, they do it so they can grab a tubifex cube that they then take down underwater to suck on.

My question is, is this common behaviour or do I have a couple of circus plecs :lol: it looks pretty normal to me. I love watching their little noses break the surface as they are trolling for food. Nessie apparently, has learned to do this from Malcolm, who has always done it. The babies don't do it yet.
The ones I had back home always done this, hoping to catch some food.
I used to have some albino water frogs, and I fed them frozen mosquito larva (??? I think ???) and my plc's would come to the surface and 'head-butt' the frogs so that they could get the food instead.

My big blue eyed boy would also come to the surface for a belly rub, he loved getting his belly stroked! :wub:
I miss him the most, he was like a wee dog. Always following me around the room with his gaze, and as soon as I approached the tank he would come to the surface.... oh how I miss him!!!!! :-(
Some of my plecs do it and some of them dont, either way i think its relatively normal behavior for them on the whole, plecs are supposed to be some of the most intelligent fish out there, so it makes sense that they use their brains to take advantage of all food sources available :) .
One of my common plecs even wedges himself near one of the filters in the tank upside down and scoops up all the fish flakes floating on the surface that go his way by the current, to say the least i've also seen the guppys trying to steal their food back right out of his mouth too lol :lol: . Usually he doesn't do it though as long as i put in some algae wafers at the same time :) .
lol, Malcolm learned to swim on his back to take advantage of flake food. He will float the length of the aquarium inverted so he can have a little mouth-feel of what's on offer on the surface.

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