Plec's Or Cories In 30 Gal?


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2005
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Hey every1,
I am planning to get a cleaner, in a 30 gal. I have 4 lemon tetras, 2 black skirt tetras, and 1 guppy. I am plannign to add 2 bolivian rams and 3 honey gouramies. Which type of a catfish would u recommed? My tank is planted well and has a lot of hiding spots.

-Thx :)
There are no "cleaner" catfish though some will eat leftover food or algae, they don't replace tank maintanence or eat fish waste. Also, they need their diets supplemented with food meant for them, not just scraps. Some good algae eaters for a 30g though are Bristlenoses and Rubberlips. Most of the other smaller-sized plecs that could go are not true algae eaters. These two are the best to pick though IMO. Cories, all are pretty much the same in their needs with some variation in temperature requirements and their body size. Other then that, just get a group of at least 3, 5 would be better.

One last thing, your tank seems to already be overstocked so before adding more fish, you may want to remove some of the existing ones first.
Well i diditn really mean cleaner as in clean the tank. Sorry that was my fault. I just meant a bottom dweller type of a fish. I can gET 3 catfishes. Which one would you suggest? And no i dont think it would be overstocked. I did the calcultations and it comes to 24 gallons of fish that i will be getting and have, not including the catfish i will be getting. If the catfish i get grow to 2 inches then ill be fine. Can u suggest any that will adapt with the fish i mentioned, and look pretty (colrful) ?
I misread it you already had the Rams and Gouramis, which would push the tank to stocking limits. The Rams themselves need a 20g minimum plus adding in the other fish, and the need for space, you're at the limit.

Cories are a wide variety of colors between the numerous species and sometimes even in the same species. They come in most colors now either from natural coloration or selective breeding. Inchworm is the person to ask though. She has more Cories than any sane person should have.
I would also go with cories instead of pleco's. Cories are a lot cleaner (not as messy as most plecos) and you will probably see them a lot more then you would a pleco. Just remember cories like to be in groups of 4 or more and will be much more happier and active it kept that way. Bronze or Albino C. Aeneus are a great cory to start out with :thumbs:
Thx for the help. Just waiting for inchworm's reply :D
Other than that i am going for a cory, not a pleco. Most probaly a Bronze Cory :)

- TY
Hi Fish Dude :)

Corys are great little fish that will get along well with the fish you have, and the small gouramis. I'm not so sure about the rams though. You might want to ask about them in the cichlid forum. Being so peaceful themselves, corys don't usually do well around aggressive fish like cichlids.

Although there are many different species of corys, I usually recommend that people start out with either the bronze or albino C. aeneus. They are easy to find and are active and pleasing to watch. They are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 3-4, or even more, to see them at their best.

She has more Cories than any sane person should have.
:lol: :lol:
I prefer cories as they are adorable and fun to watch.
Hi Fish Dude :)

Corys are great little fish that will get along well with the fish you have, and the small gouramis. I'm not so sure about the rams though. You might want to ask about them in the cichlid forum. Being so peaceful themselves, corys don't usually do well around aggressive fish like cichlids.

Although there are many different species of corys, I usually recommend that people start out with either the bronze or albino C. aeneus. They are easy to find and are active and pleasing to watch. They are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 3-4, or even more, to see them at their best.

Thats pretty much exactly what I said. We can see where I learned most everything that I know about cories B)
Hi Fish Dude :)

Corys are great little fish that will get along well with the fish you have, and the small gouramis. I'm not so sure about the rams though. You might want to ask about them in the cichlid forum. Being so peaceful themselves, corys don't usually do well around aggressive fish like cichlids.

Although there are many different species of corys, I usually recommend that people start out with either the bronze or albino C. aeneus. They are easy to find and are active and pleasing to watch. They are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 3-4, or even more, to see them at their best.

She has more Cories than any sane person should have.
:lol: :lol:

K thx for the help ever1 :D
I will soon be getting my cories once i have checked my ph and so on ...

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