Plecs Growth

Mine grew about 2 inches in a month at that age. They have a high growth rate, then slow down at 12-18", growing slowly after that. They can potentially reach 2ft, so you'll need a very big tank if you intend to keep him long term :)
I just recently bught a common plec form my lfs hes only about 10 cm long how quickly will he grow ive heard bad rumors

The rumor is reality :p Last one I had was about 3" when I got him. Less than year later he was over 13" and still growing!
Better forget that pretty planted tank too, he'll have that dug up in no time, muhahahaha! Plecs are avid gardeners. If they don't like something, they'll just move it. The bigger they get, the more they choose to move. My big guys have plastic plants stapled to their bog wood to keep it looking pretty :)
Hi, I've noticed on one of your other threads, this tank you've put the plec in is 90l? It's way too small for a common plec, I would return him to the LFS ASAP especially seeing as it's not cycled properly. :/

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