Plecs-can They Survive On Flakes?


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I have recently run out of the algae wafers that I feed my 2 plecs. I was wondering if the flakes I feed the others which also end up on the bottom are suitable for them. I also use these little red dots which sink. will my plecs be ok until I can afford more wafers? I am worried that they might not get what they need from flakes although the flakes do say that they are a complete diet for all tropical fish.
Hi, I would think it depends what type of Pleco you have. Some are carnivores. Mine is a Common Pleco and he definitely needs his algae wafers. You might be ok for a few days if you give them some cucumber, peas or romaine lettuce as well as the flakes. If they are carnivores I am not sure. HTH. :)
Thanks Morgan.I think they are just common plecs(dark brown with spotty fins). I will certainly try them with cucumber and I've got some tubifex cubes so I'll try and make sure the others don't scoff first.
I would definatly not just feed flake some other options are some lecs MUST have some of these:
Veiges listed above
Algea wafer
Blood worm and other meat things.
They will be fine on flakes as a tempory diet, as long as it IS temporary.

Have a look in the kitchen for fresh foods to offer them too such as zucchini, cucumber, squash, melon, apple (not pips) banana, brussels sprouts, cabbage.

Attatch a plant weight and hey presto, instant plec food.
My common plec also eats zuccini slices. Kinda interesting...

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