Plecs and Dwarf Puffers


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
East Anglia, UK
OK, I am going to get 4 Dwarf Puffers for my UK 20g tank, but realise I may need a plec for cleaning up duty. I have a common plec in my larger community tank, but that grew far too big for the 20g - so what species/types would you recommend to live with 4 DP's? LFS had some nice baby chocolate ancistrus' - would they be suitable, and if so how large do they get and would one alone be OK (they were in with some puffers there)?
[EDIT] wow how badly did i miss read that post :D :D

I'd go for a bristle nose - great for cleanup and algae control (
ancistrus are bristle noses) most max out at about 5" (possibly 6")

If your looking at other smaller plecs, check them out before you buy, quite a lot of the smaller plecs arn't algae eaters and will need a meaty diet.

the smaller plecs can also be quite territorial... our 5 L129's in the 120l (35 us gal) dont always get on if there isn't enough food for each of them. They fight over cucumber slices - so we have to put 6 in to give them one each and a spare :rolleyes:
I agree on the bristlenose,either that or some ottos. However make sure you've got an extra cycled tank he/they can go in. Dwarf puffers can pick on them, and hurt them ... its a chance you're gonna have to take if you wanna add anything to them. No matter if they're ottos or plecs.
Thanks guys ;) !!

One more question: does bristlenose cover a variety of types of plec, or is a bristlenose a bristlenose? You mentioned bristlenose are ancistrus - does this mean the baby chocolate (which were more orange anyway :S ) ancistrus I saw at my LFS are bristlenoses and are suitable?

Do you know of anywhere I can see piccies of different types of plecs, just so I get the right ones?
most (if not all) fish in the ancistrus family will grow-up to have bristles (on their nose ;) )

there are lots of different 'brands' however their size will be similar at a max of 6"

Here is a list of the ancistrus familly on PlanetCatfish.

Our holygrail of bristlenose is the starlight bristlenose L183 ;)
All bristlenoses are ancistrus......but
Not all ancistrus have bristles.

Bristlenoses would be ideal for a DP tank.

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