We got plec not that long ago, hes still a young un but growing fast, anyone with catfish loaches or plecs can imagine how cool he is, arent these fish amazing?
I love Plec, he brings hours of watching fun
we havent tryed him on cucumber or potatoe yet Nik but I think we will try him on something of those sorts soon, hes just been eating the algae in our tank and algae wafers, though he has a bit of a mission sometimes, all our other fish have taken a liking to the algae wafers too
Heres one of his HUGE mouth LOL , did you know plecs have teeth? I didnt until just the other day.
Thanx tanked
Feline , we wouldnt have got one, but my bf has decided we are getting a 4ft tank in the next couple of weeks, so we have room to house him when hes bigger.
he is adorable, hes my new love,loachy was disgraced a bit since we had to move him cos of picking on and clinging onto our gourami, he lives with only small fish now, and at present there are no problems, which is good, cos there was talk of taking him back to the shop hehe.
DONT EVER GET A SUCKING LOACH! my warning to you all. lol
Plecos are gorgeous fish. I have a Sailfin pleco. Absolute monster of a fish. For some reason, he loves to suck on the back wall of the tank right above the air bubble wand all day. Go figure.