
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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crimsontsavo said:
They wont eat poop.
They will eat fish food.
They do get big.
HTH's. :thumbs:
Not all get big. I have one that will get no bigger than 4.5"! My other one is fully grown at 5".

There are also clown plecs, bristlenoses, rubberlipped, zebra, 1 of the gold nuggets and more that I can't think of off the top of my head.

I wouldn't consider them as scavengers, I place the food for mine right beside them to make sure they get it.
I have 2 cories and 3 swordtails in my tank and they go after any leftover food in the gravel that they can possibly find. Sometimes one of the black tetras thinks it is a swordtail and joins in :thumbs:
My pleco is only 3 inches long, he seems to do a pretty good job of keeping the tank clean. Mabye its just to otos though.
all plecos are different, some eat wood..some don't, some eat meat, some don't..some are great cleaners...and IME ,some aren't :X
Plecos are BEAUTIFUL fish! I love them! My Pleco doesnt so much clean up after the other fish - regualr water changes and garvel clean are still necessary but he does a wonderful job at cleaning algae, the glass is always sparkly clear. he does spend much of his time hiding during the day tho. I think its a bristlenose but could be a common plec. is about 4 inches long now. they really are fascinating fish tho.

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