Fish Fanatic
Im trying to breed plecos, I currentley have four of them, one bristlenose, albino & 2 common ones. Am I right i saying that they need to be a certain age, and will have to pair off.
The trouble im having is, I cannot get any decent info on how to sex them, especually the common ones.
Can you tell me that they will need to be the same species to breed together, sureley this cannot be right as how do then get constant new varieties!
Can anyone help?
Im gutted to, i popped to my local ps they had a breeding pair for sale, and now their sold
Im trying to breed plecos, I currentley have four of them, one bristlenose, albino & 2 common ones. Am I right i saying that they need to be a certain age, and will have to pair off.
The trouble im having is, I cannot get any decent info on how to sex them, especually the common ones.
Can you tell me that they will need to be the same species to breed together, sureley this cannot be right as how do then get constant new varieties!
Can anyone help?
Im gutted to, i popped to my local ps they had a breeding pair for sale, and now their sold