

Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2008
Reaction score
Laurel, MD
I couldn't find an answer to my problem in the threads I just searched. I would so much appreciate some insight.

My 29-gallon tank is well established now. We are running not only an under-gravel filter but also a large filter that hangs on the back of the tank. (Yeah, DH broke down and got one!) The readings continue to be wonderful. We change about 10% of the water every couple of weeks. Of course, as evaporation occurs, we add water to the tank.

Current residents are 2 emerald green cories, 2 blood fin tetras, 2 red glo-fish danios, 2 green glo-fish danios, 1 silver-tip tetra, and 1 x-ray tetra. Over the past 2 months we have had 3 common plecos which die. I'm trying to discover why? Here's the story.

First pleco died within 2 days. PetCo said perhaps he wasn't healthy to begin with and gave us another.

The second pleco died 18 days later. There was plenty of algae in the tank which he took care of and then seemed not to eat it any more, just attaching himself to the heater for a couple of days before he died.(PetCo's replacement policy is 15 days). We purchased another.

Third pleco died during the night, having been in the tank 20 days. Again, there was plenty of algae at the beginning which he actively took care of. We began dropping a wafer in the tank for the cories but the pleco ate them and stopped eating the algae. So, we decreased the number of times we added the wafer to 2/week and the pleco began eating the algae again. The last couple of days, the pleco has attached himself to the heater and did come off of it to eat when we dropped in food. This morning, he's dead.

The water temperature ranges from 75°F to 78°F. Our house is cold with an average temperature of 60°F and 75° is as high as the heater can keep the water. When the woodstove is running, the water temperature is nearer the 78°F. I have tried turning up the heater but it still just keeps the water between 75°F and 78° depending on if the wood stove is on/not. (We only use the wood stove when outside temperatures drop below 32°.)

The pH remains constant at 7.4 or thereabouts--it doesn't fluctuate at all as we keep crushed coral in the tank. The ammonia and nitrite are consistently zero and the nitrate is under 10.

The aquarium light is on about 10-12 hours a day so algae does grow.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated! Thanks!
Yes, adding a wafer a couple of times a week now. When we fed the pleco daily or even every other day, the algae built up--he just seemed to wait for the wafer and didn't bother with the algae. (The wafer we fed him says it's for catfish but doesn't say it is an algae wafer.) The cories seemed hungry so that's why we began adding a wafer. The cories don't seem to be interested in the wafer but the pleco always was. However, the largest cory use to go to the top to eat the fish flakes. Now we just add more fish flakes and the cories seem happy to eat them from the bottom.

Are we starving the pleco? How much should we feed a pleco?

Firstly something that needs to be stressed is that No fish should be bought for the sole purpose of cleaning your tank,
Secondly common plecs should be reaching 12 inches as a bare minimum, meaning that your tank isn't big enough for one

From the sounds it appears as if the fish is being starved, they need feeding, catfish pellets, wafers, zucchini, peas, as well as the occasional bloodworm or shrimp for proteins.

The unstable temperature may also be too blame, both plecs hiding literally on the heater ???
What is the wattage of the heater?

if your having a lot of algae problems then reduce the lighting and tbh i would be skeptical about those water readings
Do you have a heater guard on your heater, plecs have a habit of sleeping on the heater which burns and kills them.

so u have basically only been letting it feed on algae?

Plecs do need a more varied diet, veggies (greens), potato, courgette, sweet potato. Mine also eat bloodworms daphnia and brine shrimp and will also eat tetra prima and cat fish pellets in addition to algae wafers. I do only feed algae wafers a couple of times a week, but they get the other stuff mentioned in between.

However, as they have been hanging on the heaters, my guess is this is what killed them.

My 29-gallon tank is well established now

This is too small a tank for a common plec anyhow, look at bristlenose, bulldog plecs etc. There is a pinned article on plecs suitable for smaller tanks.
The water temperature has only been varying with the last pleco. We did not run the wood stove when we had the prior two plecos. I do not know the wattage of the heater but will look into that. What wattage should it be for a 29-gallon tank?

The aquarium light will be on 10-12 hours a day. Some days, 8 hours, but rarely any less. Just the way it is in our home so there will be algae, I know.

The readings are as adequate as I can determine using the liquid test kits. All other fish are doing well, even new ones that we have added over the last couple of months.

I know what to feed the pleco (having read other threads here this morning) but do not know how much to feed one. Can anyone give me a hint of quantities? frequencies?



This shows a heater with heater guard, I don't think yours has one.

Your other fish will eat bloodworm, daphnia etc so your plec would get some if you feed the whole tank it at the same time.
Vegetables a couple of times in a week period, just vary the diet, I try to feed something different everyday to my fish whilst maintaining the staple of tetra prime. Alternate and experiment, just make sure all fish are feeding. Vegetables I put a slice of potato part bolied to soften it for 2 bn plecs, watch you don't leave it in too long or it will mess up your water stats. For example, put it in before you go to bed, take out what is not eaten next morning.

Edit They also eat the New Life Spectrum Cichlid food I use for my rams and Angels.
Yes, I had been feeding the fish bloodworms a couple of times a week (in addition to the regular flakes) and brine shrimp daily for a few days. Since all the other fish seem to be doing well, I'm leaning toward the heater being the main problem. I will be sure to vary the diet with the next pleco. (We happen to enjoy having one in the tank so I guess he's not there just for eating the algae.)

Well, off to PetCo to see what I can find.
Apologies to the OP for a slight Thread Hijack...

Do you have a heater guard on your heater, plecs have a habit of sleeping on the heater which burns and kills them.

My Sailfin plec used to do that (he didn't die, by the way, I swapped him for a Bristlenose fella!), so...

I've got a 100w Interpet DeltaTherm heater and I cannot for the life of me find a suitable guard for it. Can anyone suggest where I can either a. find one or .b recommend a good substitute?

to avoid unexpected deaths if you are inexperianced with plecs buy an adult one then you have and idea of how much room they need, also adult plecos dont seem to die as much because they are far stronger
i also recommend bn plecos but ive never kept bulldogs
Went to PetCo but did not come home with another pleco. The guy (long termer there) said he wouldn't buy from his current stock but to wait for arrival on Friday of new stock. He said the small common plecos I've been getting do well so felt that I wasn't feeding them enough. (I'll continue to look for a heater guard in the meantime.)

My question now is...where do you all get plecos that are not the common variety? I have only PetCo and PetSmart (well, there is another fish store not far away but I wouldn't buy anything there!) and they only carry the common pleco.

I'm in the USA--Maryland, DC, Virginia are reasonably traveled.
Definately don't get another common plec, they will outgrow your tank. In tropical discussion section there is a pinned article on US fish stores, have a quick look there.

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