Sorry, new to Tropical Fishing but Im very keen to buy a catfish and looking from previous posts, the Pleco is the fish to get.
I have a 125l tank (RIO 125) with sand and a few rock features in there, im keen for an algae eater and always liked catfish.
I was thinking of going for either a Clown or Bristle Nose pleco as they are meant to be good algae eaters, also howl ong do i have to keep my tank running before introducing them?? Its been running a week nearly now and im going to buy a few hard fish to start of with. I have been told 6 weeks before buying a catfish?
I have a 125l tank (RIO 125) with sand and a few rock features in there, im keen for an algae eater and always liked catfish.
I was thinking of going for either a Clown or Bristle Nose pleco as they are meant to be good algae eaters, also howl ong do i have to keep my tank running before introducing them?? Its been running a week nearly now and im going to buy a few hard fish to start of with. I have been told 6 weeks before buying a catfish?