
I'd say generally, yes, Cories, Plecos, and Clown Loaches get along, provided they are in a big enough tank. If they all have to share the same, small, bottom place, there might be some aggression. BUT...since I don't know much about Plecos, except for Bristlenoses and Clown Plecos, it might depend on the Pleco too.

Snails and Clown Loaches don't get along. Clowns loooove to eat snails!
I have a 20 gallon with 5 zebra danios and 3 guppies and I wanted to get a pleco, cory, snail and loach. If I just got a pleco, cory, and snail do think they would be ok? (to specific a chocolate albino pleco, spotted cory, and a mystery snail)
20 gallons is really too small for a clown loach.
They like to be in more than one and their adult size is around 12 inches.

However there are a lot of other loaches available to you that are just as fun.
Chocolate Albino Pleco? Never heard of those. Do you know it's scientific name?

As for the Cory..they like to be in groups, so get at least 4... :)

Aaaand...the Mystery snail should be fine.
Annastasia said:
Does it look at all like the Plecos in this thread?

If so, it seems that they grow pretty big. So, I would not reccomend them for your tank. Perhaps you should just get a nice school of Cories?
Yes they look like that. Howlong does it take chocolate plecos to reach there full size? Or just common plecos???
ScoutCarcer said:
Annastasia said:
Does it look at all like the Plecos in this thread?

If so, it seems that they grow pretty big. So, I would not reccomend them for your tank. Perhaps you should just get a nice school of Cories?
Yes they look like that. Howlong does it take chocolate plecos to reach there full size? Or just common plecos???
Does anyone know???
You are never going to fit those 3 into a 20 gallon tank, and a cory on its own will be unhappy, so the obvious answer is to get a small school of corys. Let's see how the maths work out:

guppies c. 3x1= 3 inches (at least)

zebra danios c. 5x1.5= 7.5 inches (at least)

corys 4x3= 12 inches

= 22.5 inches, fully stocked. And a very attractive tank it will be too. If you keep up with the water changes you could fit in another small fish or two, but certainly not a pleco (big waste producers) let alone a clown loach.
Ok I'll get a small school of corys. Do they have to be the same type of cory?

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