test strips are not very accurate, my advice would be to either get a liquid test kit like the API MASTER KIT or take a water sample to your local fish store and get them to check it asap
what size is the tank, what other fish do you have, how often do you water change, how much water do you change, do you clean the filter in tap water, do you use declorinator when adding fresh tap water, any signs of disease or fungas on the dead fish
lots of questions but ones that will need answering to establish the cause of the problem.
id be inclined to do a 50% water change asap just incase it is a spike in ammonia or something nasty has got in the tank somehow
Tank is 60L I have mollys platys guppies including 3 baby fish. I read a manual which said if possible to change 15% of the water every week which i did. I clean and replace the filters when required and i only clean them in the aquarium water and i always add declorinator to the tap water