dwarfs said:
In that case I don't know my secret
It just grows fast in my tanks
My dad started with 4 small plants, and now we have a few hundred varying from big to small in a few years
The fish don't touch it, and it and the javamoss take over
He means both right there CFC , fern doesn't grow as fast as the moss , or as fast as.......say hygrophila species .
The fern does well in moderate light with good water movement through its leaves, frequent water changes , I beleave help alot . Seem to do better in water on the neutral to hard side .
Mine grew slowly at first 6 or 7 years ago , I kept puffers ,the salt in the water all but stopped the growth .
No more puffers [ about 5 years ago] since the plants have been in freshwater, they really have taken hold , and at a fairly steady rate , the leaves grow quicker then the rhizome , we have it in 12 tanks , alot of it , not the prettiest , very dense. [ give much away as well ].
I wish my anubias and bulbitis huedelotii grew like this .
The moss was the same at first , months went went by with very little growth
I couldn't thin it out fast enough .
I hate to say that I have actually thrown it out , thought the birds could use it for nests
**I think key is clean fresh water as often as possible and good water movement **.
Having a well established aquarium also help I.M.E [10 years running with out a major break down for cleaning]
In the past I've spent a small fortune replacing [3] bulbs every 6 months [ not at the same time, rotating] and plant food .
I add "Flurish with iron" and a carbon supplement from Seachem every 3rd or 4th water change . Mostly I let the fish feed our plants . Can't remember the last time I changed a plant gro bulb
And some [ most
]of them are just floating around the tanks
The only filtration I've used in 70 gal for the last 4 years is U.G drive by power heads [ it works for me ] water changes are key here .
Don't know if I just like to keep it simple or am I just cheap and lazy ?
Please nobody answer that.
kind of back to the topicI kept a pecklotia , clown pleco [ spelling ] in that tank sinse I had the puffers , he's alive and very well , and around 7 years old now . I wouldn't recmend him for a brackish set up .
Sorry for the slight hi-jack