4 weeks ago i put my 3-4 inch pleco in my pond and now he is huge my pond finally cleared up and i saw him today for the first time i was extremely happy that he was alive he is in the pond w/ 20 some koi and several fantails and shumbunkins and he looked super he was darker in color and he was huge i couldnt believe how big he had gotten in just 4 weeks he was atleast 8 inches long
some people say that they will suck on other fish and hurt them expecially in a pond but i dont c this happening since he has plenty of live plants to eat and it seems like they wouldnt be put in aquariums w/ other fish if they would hurt them?? has n e one ever had this happen i know that this winter i will have to take my pleco out of the pond as we live in north carolina and he wouldnt be able to survie below 65 degrees but has n e one ever put their algae eater in their pond n e tips on easy ways to catch him
ps and the reason i put him n was for him to grow i am planning on catching him asap and putting him in my 55 gallan and feeding him zuccini and algae wafers n e advice is much apprecited!!!
thanxxx in advance
some people say that they will suck on other fish and hurt them expecially in a pond but i dont c this happening since he has plenty of live plants to eat and it seems like they wouldnt be put in aquariums w/ other fish if they would hurt them?? has n e one ever had this happen i know that this winter i will have to take my pleco out of the pond as we live in north carolina and he wouldnt be able to survie below 65 degrees but has n e one ever put their algae eater in their pond n e tips on easy ways to catch him
ps and the reason i put him n was for him to grow i am planning on catching him asap and putting him in my 55 gallan and feeding him zuccini and algae wafers n e advice is much apprecited!!!
thanxxx in advance