

Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2004
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Okay, I have a common pleco who is about 3-4 inches. I've had him for about 3 weeks. My entire back wall of my 29 gallon tank was covered with algae, and there was algae on the decorations and gravel. He pretty much cleaned up all of it within a week. (He also craps up a storm, but its worth it) Anyway, I heard in other threads that algae eaters will get hungry too, so I was wondering if there was anything that I could put in the tank besides algae wafers (I'm low on cash)
Would I be able to feed him a cucumber? And if I do, how would I prepare it just rinse it off? Or if there are any other regular foods plecos like?

Also, I heard from someone that they are very hardy and just always snack on algae, but it doesn't look like theres much for him and I don't want him to be hungry... :sad:

Edit- I know hes gonna get too big for my tank, but I'll sell him by then.
I feed mine courgettes (zucchini if you're american!!) Just cut a thick slice and weigh it down with plant weights and sink it into the tank just before lights out. You'll wake up in the morning with practically none left!!!

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