I have some brown algea on the rock, and i have a pleco he sometimes see tem but he doesnt clean them. And a bit on the plants he also do the same thing. I dont know why isnt he cleaning them, what can i do for hm.
Many plecs dont eat algae, and so they need regular feeding - plec wafers, veggies (courgette, cucumber, potato, sweet potato and many other options - courgette seems to go down the best), and depending on what species he is some protein now and again too.
If you wanted something to keep your tank clean, a plec probably isn't the best option - as they poo out much more than they put in - and therefore you'll need to do regular gravel vacs and keep up on the water changes - obviously the bigger species he is, the more you'll have to do.
Hmm I made them sound really bad - they're not that much work really lol