

Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2006
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My Plec is acting rather strange, he suspended himself in mid-air and looks dead and he'll periodically swim to the surface letting air bubbles as he goes. We have had him for about four weeks, he will not touch cucumber, courgette or pleco wafers but there is plenty of algae on the back glass.

Any ideas????????
What plec is it... All 3 of mine would RARELY even consider cucumber or anything similar when i used to attempt it, i think i only ever noticed them become slightly interested once.

Also my tank is becoming annoying covered in algae (thank god im changing tanks) The plec's arnt' to bothered with cleaning the glass, my youngest plec used to have a go all the time, but now they can rarely be bothered, and just have a go at it in the night whilst its dark.
My biggest bristlenose practically spends most of his time on his back doing nothing, its crazy!

It could be that whilst your not looking(asleep or w/e) he/she is grabbing all the food so when you see him/her theyre apsolutely stuffed and cant be bothered to eat??
Malcolm sometimes sleeps floating on the surface, but after several poke on different occasions and a lot of "omg he's dead" conversations, we realised that's just what he likes to do. He always was weird, but we love him.

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