

Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, Nebraska
Right now I have to commons in my 55 gal. I know they are going to get to big, so this is why I am getting some new ones. I was planning on getting some smaller ones. I was thinking about a couple Queen Arabesque or a couple Bristlenoise, or a couple king tigers, or a couple Leopard frog plecs. What do you all suggest is the best one. I am looking to put them in a 55 gal community tank.
Or is there another algie eater/catfish that would be better. I am just starting to get into all the different types of cats. And wow there a ton of different species

If your wanting a plec to eat algae you can't get better than a bristlenose plec. I have a farlowella who does a good job too if you'd like a fish that looks a bit different. Research before you buy as many plecs don't eat algea some are carivores some eat wood etc.

Emma :)
"Or is there another algie eater"

If its algea eating your looking for the leopard frogs / queens / kings dont eat algae - they actually like a meaty diet ;)

you cant go wrong with bristle noses though :)
True you cant go wrong i purchased one on friday but she is very shy and hasnt done much algea eating yet and today i purchased a Rusty Plec hopefully smithrc you could give me some help with him i have posted a request for and i.d in the section.
True you cant go wrong i purchased one on friday but she is very shy and hasnt done much algea eating yet and today i purchased a Rusty Plec hopefully smithrc you could give me some help with him i have posted a request for and i.d in the section.

sorted ;)
I have 4 otocinclus and a rubberlip plecostomus in my 55. The otos do well on plants, bogwood etc., but weren't persistant on glass. I added the rubberlip, and he has been one busy little bugger constantly working his way 'round.

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