pleco with nose scrape


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
My pleco has a place on its nose that looks like it has scraped it. The scrape is white in color. The plec spends a lot of time at night in the bubble wand area going up and down alongside the glass. Could this be scraping hide off? The place does not look infected and the plec acts healthy. Can this be healed? And is this common? :dunno:
My pleco has a place on its nose that looks like it has scraped it. The scrape is white in color. The plec spends a lot of time at night in the bubble wand area going up and down alongside the glass. Could this be scraping hide off? The place does not look infected and the plec acts healthy. Can this be healed? And is this common? :dunno:

my plec has got the same mariking on his nose, has had for about 3 years doesn't bother him and he is growing well, seems like some sort of scar tissue, there always shufling something about

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