Pleco With Ich


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
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The pleco was in a tank that very cloudy white water (guessing a bacterial bloom), had to do a major tank intervention and got the water back to good readings. for all the years i have had aquariums, I have fortunately never had to deal with ich so i am not positive on my diagnosis on this guy. I am thinking it is white spot disease but there are no other signs, no itching, no other fish have come down with ich after being in the tank together for so long, and the bumps are raised which i didnt think ich was that prominent. Just wanted other peoples opinions.

His tail has always been kinked like that, i think it was a birth defect or something happened in the transport to the store. I dont think its a case of myco just becasue it was bought when it was really small, and the kink was just as prominent. However, i guess it very well could be.

I have also advised the owner of this little guy to up the temp and the water has been treated with half the dose of Mardel coppersafe

Just wanted everyone's opinion

the spots seem too large to be ich as they are usually like tiny salt granules. on this fish it seems to look almost like warts or a bacterial infection, sorry i cant fully help but to me its not ich....
I don't know how big your pleco is but a few of my fish had whitespot a month ago and what I noticed is that it's not all the same size.

it looks like ich, it could be velvet but velvet is an even smaller spot than ich so I would be inclined to say it is ich.

The treatment for velvet and ich is the same but you need to be careful with plecs as the treatment could be harmful.

instruction for treatment of plec say half a dose on "Waterlife Protozin" bottle.
Yea, been doing heat and half the dose of parasite treatment. Whatever it is, its starting to go away!! :)

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