Pleco Tank Mates Advice Needed


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have two 15" common plecs and a 8" common plec all residing in a 4x2x2 tank (rescued the two biggies and was given the 8") I am running an external (fluval 405) and internal filter (Juwel Jumbo). I have managed to get them a bigger tank (5x2x2) which I am in the process of cleaning up.

When I move them I would like something else in the tank. but I am getting conflicting advice (the net and LFS). I was thinking of going for large cichlids, I have fallen for the Frontosa, but I have now found out these are not suitable.

My other choice would be some silver sharks. I was thinking 3 but some "community creater" sites have shown I can have lots more?

I dont want to fill the tank with lots of other fish, just 2 or 3 middle - top dewlling fish, but I am unsure what to have, so any recommendations would be great.

At the end of the day I want what is best for my two big guys, they were in an awful state when I got them, and the one is so tame now he loves having his nose stroked and will turn over for his tummy to be tickled. (they also both come to the surface when I call thier names!! lol) I dont want to end up with some "nice fish" and upset my plecs. (I hope you understand what I am going on about lol).
im in the process of getting large tank for fronts as i also love these and will be adding a couple of commons i dont see any probs with this?
I am so confused, some sites say frontosa's and commons dont mix some say they do!!!!!
i think alot of it is trial and error, ppl told me not to keep my royal or snowball plec in with my mbuna but i never had any problems at all andthe tank was up and running for over a year.
Have discussed it with hubby (who has no interest in fish) and he came up with a great solution. Try Frontosa's with the pleco's if it doesnt work he will get me another tank. Well how can I refuse that lol
Have discussed it with hubby (who has no interest in fish) and he came up with a great solution. Try Frontosa's with the pleco's if it doesnt work he will get me another tank. Well how can I refuse that lol

Sorry but 3 common plecs in that size tank alone isnt going to work, the filtration will need upping even more now but when they become larger it will need upping even more and aggression with 3 in the tank will start to become a problem.
I am upgrading the filters to two aqua pro 4 or an aqua pro 4 and fluval 405. I am looking out for a suitable home for the smaller plec, the two big ones have always lived together and it would be a shame to split them up. If I see any signs of agression between them then I will have to make that decision.
You are going to want a pair of Fluval FX5's, or Eheim 2080's on a 5X2X2 if you keep three adult common plecs and more "dither" fish in there, the Aquapro and Fluval 405 will not cope with their waste output. A 405 struggles with a single sub-adult common pleco, even without the feedings they need IME. Like Jen says above, Commons are territorial to their own kind. The best option IMO would be the two largest into the 5X2X2 and monitor the situation, keeping the smaller in the 4ft :good:
Thanks for your opinions it all helps in trying to make the right dicission. My hubby collected the two large commons and the previous owner told him they were about 10 years old and lived together in a 3ft x 12" tank since they were a couple of inches long. I just want to make them comforable in their senior years, but will keep a watch for any agression when I move them. From your advice it looks like I am going to have to re-home the smaller pleco then (poor thing ended up on my doorstep from someone who no longer wanted it). Unfortunately I do not have room in any other tanks for it.

As for filtration, I will have to monitor how well the aqua pro 4's do and keep up with my daily netting poop routine.

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