Pleco Skin, Does It Look Right?


New Member
Nov 1, 2006
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Does the skin on this fish look normal? its a new fish to my tank, about 8inches long, and im pretty sure it didnt have the lighter markings on it when it was bought a few days ago. Could it be scratches or something from rocks or wood? Or is it more serious like infection etc?

The water levels all seem ok, the fish is feeding and seems to take great pleasure in uprooting the plants!
It doesnt swim around very much, should they? I was always under the impression they were 'lazy' fish. is this right?

If it is a problem, what can i do to help the not so little fella?

what are you refering to specifically.... Pleco's don't move around alot & like to hide alot.

If your talking about the stripes on it that is normal with my experience in plecos
Sorry, my mistake for not making myself clear...

In the picture, i was refering to the light brown 'patches' on him. not the thin brown pattern

Hope this makes it clearer..?

Im no pleco expert but it appears to be natural because plecos can change their colour very quick on their mood (My BN pleco changes colour quickly). However it could be something like Columnaris (though Im no expert...might want to research some diseases to see if you can find a specific one...)
From what i've read in the past + advice given to me they do discolour like this when stressed or startled & should return to normal when the it feels safe. How ever if it stays like this you may need to look at the habitat to make sure it has a cave or some where to chill. Also it could be caused by a irritant in the water so check the water.
looks normal to me ;)

keep an eye on him - If he hides on dark bog wood you'll find that he'll go dark.

If he starts to get think film coating the areas it likely to be something to worry about. If not I'm sure he'll be fine :)

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