pleco questions.

Fire fish

New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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I have some questions on my pleco. 1how big do they get 2I have algey ALL over my tank, but my pleco (sr.poops alot)wont clean it. :unsure: 3how can you tell if they are male or female?4do they eat there eggs? do they take care of them? :/

fire fish.
What kind of pleco? I have a common that's 11" and still growing. Commons can get up to 24". How big is your pleco? It's possible it just can't keep up with your algae problem. Is your tank in direct sunlight? Do you have high nitrates? Is it a planted tank?
As fisharefun said - it depend what type of plec it is?

I'm guessing it'll be a common as it what most people call a plec (me included) untill they realise there are around 300 identified species at the moment :)

If you post a picture we'll see you right :)

If it is a common, it should have cleaned the tank very nicely. so it may not be.
Again if it is a common - you'll be looking a an 18" monster in say 2 years.
Commons do breed, but they will not normally lay eggs unless they are in a pair. the females actually absorb the eggs internally, reabsorbing the nutrients.

If you have a pair of plecs and the do breed (bristle noses are a good starting point) the male will lookafter the eggs and then the young until they can cope in the tank (about 1 week after they have used their egg sacks up, about 2 weeks total) during that time he will not leave their side - not even to eat :no:.
my pleco is a commne. about 6".no plants(i have fake ones)no its not in derect sunlight, and what are nitrates? :*)
Nitrates are the end product of the nitrogen cycle, and is used up by plants and algae. Take a water sample to your local fish shop to get a reading, or better yet, get a test kit for it :nod:

How big is your tank? As previously stated common ones get massive and aren't the best of algae cleaners.

If you want a smaller plec that will munch all your algae, look out for Bristlenoses!

Its funny because, well, my pleco ate all the algae as soon as i posted my mesage. :lol: can one of you post a pic of a commne pleco, and a bristlenose? I cant tell witch one is witch :p thanx you guys! i changed my plecos name, its
I have some news. after looking around, i lerned that i have a sailfin pleco. :*) yet again, how big do they get? :/

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