Pleco Proof My Juwel Internal


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Seems like I only come here asking people for advice about the crazy stuff I've done.

Well. I recently posted on the catfish section about my small pleco (2.5 - 3") who had completely disappeared. Three days later I found him living in my internal Juwel filter (it's a Rio 125).

It has a plate at the top with a small hole in it. I assumed he must have crawled onto this (even though its out of the water) and crept through the hole. So I bunged it up.

He disappeared again. This time, I looked in there straight away. He was in there, totally wrapped up in filter wool. After some frantic surgery with a knife and clove oil, I managed to get it all off. He's back in the tank now, and alive - just.

So how could he possibly be getting? There is no hole he can get through. I've never seen the tank without gravel in - is there a hole under the line of the gravel?

Anyway, how can I ensure he doesn't get in there again - assuming he lives?

I'd be grateful for any help...

Easily solved - remove it! :lol:

Seriously, they're a real pain and it's a known problem with Juwel filters. I lost quite a few fish that way and some got stuck in the bottom parts of the filter too. And one mangled into the impellor. Not good.....
Easily solved - remove it! :lol:

Seriously, they're a real pain and it's a known problem with Juwel filters. I lost quite a few fish that way and some got stuck in the bottom parts of the filter too. And one mangled into the impellor. Not good.....

Well I'll be moving house soon so that'll be a good time to replace it. Anyone know anything I can do in the short term whilst I'm sticking with the Juwel?

What would be the best type of replacement filter for a 30g tank with not too many fish in it?

Also, I'm thinking of moving up to about 60g shortly - is there a filter I could get that would be fine for both tanks?

I do like the convenience of the Juwel one - I'm not particularly into plumbing something complicated in and taking it apart every so often......

What would be the best type of replacement filter for a 30g tank with not too many fish in it?
Personally I went for an external because it gives you more room in the tank and IMO better filtration. There are several threads where people discuss the pros and cons of each make/model. Just have a quick search through this forum.
Also, I'm thinking of moving up to about 60g shortly - is there a filter I could get that would be fine for both tanks?
if you get a larger external that's rated for 60G+ then you can run this on your 30G and when you upgrade your tank just switch it over. That is unless you have any fish which wont like the excess flow in which case you may need to investigate methods for reducing the flow from the output, sometimes just changing the way it points can help!
I do like the convenience of the Juwel one - I'm not particularly into plumbing something complicated in and taking it apart every so often......
Externals are really simple when you get the hang of them. :good: Plus they need cleaning a lot less frequently ;)
Well I can guarantee you would love to put an external filter on there. It's easy to set up. And who wouldn't love to do filter cleans every six months as opposed to every week?? You'll find filtration and water quality much improved with a suitable external.
For your current tank an Eheim classic 2213 or 2215 would be good. The 2215 you'd be able to use on the 60 gallon (though not heavily stocked).
If you have money to burn, go for the fabulous Eheim 2126 Thermo Filter (inbuilt heater and even more of a dream to maintain).

Here's a thread on how to remove your Juwel filter.

In the mean time, perhaps just put a heavy rock on top of that lid to keep it down.
Don't go with a thermo filter, they are having issues. If having an exturnal heater is a nesessity, get a Hydor in-line heater and the none-thermo model :good: There have been reports of the temperature probes being problematic and the heating elements on the filter I have seen are basicaly kettal elements :unsure: I can see their design being prone to limescale e.t.c after time.

All the best
Thanks for this guys. I'll look into these.

At the moment I use the Juwel filter to aerate the water as well. Is this generally possible with an external filter, or would I have to buy a powerhead/airpump as well?

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