Pleco problem


New Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Oregon USA
I bought a rubber lip pleco two days ago. As soon as I put it in the tank it sucked on the glass for maybe five minutes. Ever since he has been lying under an ornament, sometimes upside down and sometimes on its belly. I have a fair bit of algae on the glass. I do water changes on a regular basis. Ph is good, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate is also good. Temp is about 78. I have a 10 US Gal tank which I have had for 3 months. I have 2 peppered Corys and 3 guppies. What is wrong with the pleco?
Sometimes plecs can take a long time to ajust to a new setting.

All fish do not adjust too ph while you have them in your baggies. This process takes far too long. But a longer acclimitisation could be best. How long did he remain in the baggie?

Anyways, if he is "attached" to something and just not active i wouldnt be too concerned. But if he is "deadish" and doesnt seem to be "hanging" on i would be very causious. I would not reccomend a water change. Let him settle in.
It was in the bag for not more than 20 to 30 mins. It just lays on the bottom on its back but does not hang on to anything.
well, it sounds as though you could be in troble.

30 mins sounds about right. anymore and they should be OK but it could stress the fish out.

I hope he survives. I think it may be shock. How was he when you bought him?
If it has its colour and a good sized belly (not sunken or swollen) It should be fine.

our plecs quite often get 'lazy' and drop off the wood they were sucking on.

the wood is close to the bottom so most of the plecs body is normally on the bottom and they just let go...

I'll try to get a piccy to try and put your mind at rest.
Thanks. This is the third day and it was out this morning when I turned the lights on but it is still not eating. Is there any particular kind of algae they eat?

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