New Member
Hello all, I am new to your forum. I have a well established 20 gallon tank that is at 0 nitrites and ammonia, fine etc. Last night my 2 inch common plec passed away for no apparent reason. I am worried that I starved him to death. I feed my 1 african dwarf frog, 1 ghost shrimp, eight neons, 2 snails, male betta and former plec 1 small block of frozen freshwater variety food everyday. I also add spinach, carrot and lettuce maybe three times per week. Does this sound like enough? there were no obvious signs of distress on my little fish and I am very sad as I had planned to watch him grow and get him a 50 gallon when he needed it. I want to replace him but don't want to have another one die!!! Any ideas for me?