Pleco Not Growing


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2011
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Hi, i have had a common pleco for twelve months now and it has only grown about an inch in that time. Its extremley timid and i rarely see it so i feed it 2 algae wafers every few days at night when the lights are out. I snap the algae wafers as the other fishes love them, thats also partly why i feed at night. There is alsp a larger pleco in the tank, not sure what type but it looks like a leopard. They get along fine and i often see them sat in the same hidy hole. Any ideas on growing the mini?
you say its only grown an inch, how big is it anyway ? either way, if it grows properly, it will outgrow your tank quite easily. you really need to find out what the other one is aswell, as that could also be a common going by your vague 'leopard' description.
Its around 3 inches. I will remove it once its too big. Thenother is a leopard sailfin. Its around 6 inches.
Can we see a pic of the fish? I would have expected a common pleco to grow more than an inch in 1 year in a 260l tank, what is your maintenance schedule and diet of the fish apart from wafers? knowing the temperature of the tank and other inhabitants will help too. :good:

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